Unlockable Guns
Weapons you can unlock from these enimies during the game.
Boltok Pistil - Already Unlocked
Boomshield - Maulers
Boomshot Assult Rifle - Boomers
Frag Grenade - Already Unlocked
Gnasher Shotgun - Grenaders
Gorgon Pistil - Kantus
Hammer of Dawn - Berserkers
Hammerburst Assult Rifle - Drones
Ink Grenade - Maulers
Lancer Assult Rifle - Already Unlocked
Longshot Sniper Rifle - Snipers
Mortars - Seeders
Mulcher - Grinders
Schorcher Flamethrower - Flame Boomers
Snub Pistil - Find It
Torque Bow - Theron Gaurds
Trokia Turret - General RAAM