Guitar Hero 2 Cheats...
"The Log" Guitar
5 Star every song on Expert Mode.
100K Club (10 points)
Get 100,000 points in a song.
200K Club (10 points)
Get 200,000 points in a song.
200K Pair (30 points)
Get 200,000 points on a song in Cooperative.
300K Club (30 points)
Get 300,000 points in a song.
400K Club (30 points)
Get 400,000 points in a song
400K Pair (30 points)
Get 400,000 points on a song in Cooperative.
600K Pair (30 points)
Get 600,000 points on a song in Cooperative.
800K Pair (30 points)
Get 800,000 points on a song in Cooperative.
Axe Grinder (10 points)
Unlock Rock City Theater.
Axe Guitar
Beat Expert Mode.
Big Spender Award (10 points)
Spend $10,000 at the store.
Casket Guitar
Beat Medium Mode.
Champagne Room V.I.P. (30 points)
Get 500,000 points in a song.
Dimebag Darrell Award (10 points)
Get a 100 note streak.
Easy Tour Champ (10 points)
Beat the Easy tour.
Eddie Van Halen Award (30 points)
Get a 500 note streak.
Expert Tour Champ (30 points)
Beat the Expert tour.
Extra Bass Guitars Unlockable in Co-Op
Complete the following in Co-Op mode to unlock the guitars. This does not include "Extra" songs.
Code - Effect
Cream SG - Get 5 stars on 20 Co-Op songs
Gibson Grabber - Beat 20 Co-Op songs
Gibson SG Bass - Beat 10 Co-Op songs
Gibson Thunderbird - Beat 30 Co-Op songs
Hofner Bass - Beat all Co-Op songs
Lava Pearl Musicman Stingray - Get 5 stars on 10 Co-Op songs
Natural Maple Gibson Grabber Bass - Get 4 stars on all Co-Op songs
Natural Sunburst Gibson Thunderbird Bass - Get 5 stars on all Co-Op Songs
Extra Credit Award (10 points)
View the credits.
Eyeball Guitar
5 Star every song on Hard Mode.
Fanatical Completionist Award (30 points)
Buy all guitar finishes.
Fashion Plate Award (10 points)
Buy all outfits.
Fish Guitar
Beat Easy Mode.
Game Codes
Enter this code at the main menu screen where it shows "Career" and "Quick Play."
Code - Effect
Y,B,Y,O,Y,B - Air guitar
B, O, Y, O, B, O, Y, Y - Enables hyperspeed
B, B, Y, B, B,O,B,B - Performance Mode
Gear Head Award (30 points)
Buy all guitars.
Guitar Hero (10 points)
Unlock Stonehenge.
Guitarmaggedon Award (30 points)
Earn five stars on all songs in the Hard tour.
Hard Tour Champ (30 points)
Beat the Hard tour.
Hendrix Award (10 points)
Beat a song with lefty flip on.
Joan Lita Award (30 points)
Get a 100 note streak in Cooperative.
Joe Steven Award (30 points)
Get a 500 note streak in Cooperative.
Keef Mick Award (30 points)
Get a 1000 note streak in Cooperative.
Kick the Bucket Award (30 points)
Beat Jordan on Expert.
Lennon McCartney Award (10 points)
Get an 8x streak in Cooperative.
Life of the Party Award (10 points)
Buy all characters.
Long Road Ahead Award (10 points)
Fail a song on Easy.
Medium Tour Champ (30 points)
Beat the Medium tour.
Millionaire Pair (30 points)
Get 1,000,000 points on a song in Cooperative.
Most Likely to Succeed Award (30 points)
Earn five stars on all songs in the Medium tour.
New Kid (10 points)
Unlock Blackout Bar.
Page Plant Award (30 points)
Get 100% notes hit on a song in Cooperative.
Perfectionist Award (30 points)
Get 100% notes hit on a song.
Record Collector Award (10 points)
Buy all songs.
Roadie (10 points)
Unlock Rat Cellar.
Rock School Grad (10 points)
Complete all tutorials.
Rock Snob Award (10 points)
Refuse to play an encore.
Rock Star (10 points)
Unlock Harmonix Arena.
Sandbox Hero Award (30 points)
Earn five stars on all songs in the Easy tour.
Saturday Morning Award (10 points)
Beat Trogdor and Thunder Horse.
Scenester Award (10 points)
Beat all the unlock songs.
Scoremonger Award (10 points)
Get an 8x multiplier.
Shredder (10 points)
Unlock Vans Warped Tour.
Snaketapus Guitar
Beat Hard Mode.
Start a Real Band Already Award (30 points)
Earn five stars on all songs in the Expert tour.
Teacher's Pet Award (10 points)
Practice three different songs.
USA Guitar
5 Star every song on Easy Mode.
Viking Guitar
5 Star every song on Medium Mode.
Yngwie Malmsteen Award (30 points)
Get a 1000 note streak.
Young Gun (10 points)
Unlock RedOctane Club.