Capell: Tunes
The following are all of the tunes that Capell can learn, including the locations of all of the notations.
Alucinari (unmissable): Requires the "Fantasia Notations", which you receive after the scene on the castle balcony in Feyal at the start of Disc 2.
Angere (anytime): Requires the "Fugue Notations", which is found in the Bihar Mines. It is located in a room that you must use a Call Pipe to enter. Three enemies will emerge when you use the Call Pipe. The notations will be in a chest in this room.
Fortuna (unmissable): Requires the "Prelude Notations" which you receive after the first scene in Fayel castle.
Hypnoticus (anytime): Requires the "Nocturne Notations", which is received after going back to Sapran and looking at the flower pedestal of Leif and Faina's grave. This can first be done once you are told to travel back to Port Zala after being chased out of Fayel.
Irritatus (missable): Requires the "Capriccio Notations" which is found in the Castle Valette before you destroy the Ashen Chain. There will be three rooms in a row with rotating spheres. In the second room, hit both as they turn blue and a room will open. It is in one of the chests in this room. You must get this on your first visit to the castle, as you cannot go back later.
Mare Lunaris (anytime) : Requires the "Overture Notations", which is found at the top of Dais. Immediately after defeating the Spider Queen you will have to follow a long passageway. Once outside, the chest is to the right of the save point. Make sure you open the chest before travelling north because a Boss fight will start when you do so.
Obduratus (missable): Requires the "Suite Notations", which is gained by talking to Aya in Port Zala when you first get back from Kolton, while you are going back to Fayel at the request of her father. This is your only chance to get this notation.
Obstreperus (unmissable): You start the game with this tune.
Percipere (unmissable): You are given this tune after defeating the ogre at the end of the Dragonbone Shrine.
Perturbare (anytime): Requires the "Sonata Notations", which is located in the Northeast section of the Cobasna Timberlands, when you are travelling northeast to find the cure for Edward. When you use the final teleport, instead of going north to continue the storyline, move south. You will need Vic's Thief skill to open this chest.
Placare (unmissable): Requires the "Training Notations", which you receive after the camp fire seen while you are heading to Fayel.
Precari (anytime): Requires the "Symphony Notations", which is found in the Seraphic Gate on the Castle Prevant floor. It is in a locked chest near the portal to Halgita. This chest can only be reached under Normal or higher difficulty setting.
Prudentiae (unmissable): You are given this tune after defeating the ogre at the end of the Dragonbone Shrine.
Valere (missable): Requires the "Concerto Notations", which are given to you by Sigmund near the beginning of the game. Go back to Nolaan before travelling to Fayel (which you reach after crossing the Oradian Dunes) and talk to him to get the notations. This can be done immediately after completing Prevant Castle.