Lost in Acts 3, 4, or 6 ?
Generally speaking, you will not be lost in Circle of Doom, but the randomized rooms can be confusing. New players will generally lose themselves in three common acts:
Act 3 Hall of Arrogance: The end of the act will not appear until the party clears the Library of Memories (left path in Sunrise Atrium) and the Vestibule (right path in Sunrise Atrium). Once both sets of rooms are clear, the end of the act is at the top of the stairs in the idol's room.
Act 4 Valley of Ice: Each room has an exit that is on the second level of the dungeon. Locate a room with a ramp that goes up (there are only two variations of the ramp room) and while staying on the second level, head for the room's exit.
Act 6 Dark World: The paths are generally linear until the last room to the boss. Locate a spiral path going upwards; that leads to the boss' door.