Suprise spots in versus
In dead center 2 the streets
1. As a smoker near the spawn outside is a trailer climb on it and go over the fence once done hide behind the trailer and if they take the path with the trailer you can ambush them
2. When they enter the building ahead of the tent/camp as a charger wait at the door then charge when they open
3. As a hunter or smoker climb on the birdge ahead of the exit of that building I just talked about then you should where a fence is on your right and the left the road continues go to the other side of the birdge then you should see the exit of the building there you can ambush.
Dead center 4 the atirum
1. As a smoker or hunter go to where you in front of the elevator at the beginning next to you should be a wall you can climb then jump off that floor Then climb the pole next to the elevator to the very top there you can ambush them and if lucky they wont even see you
2. When the survivors enter the elevator go to the 2nd floor near the elevator there should be a spot as a smoker where you can snag them as soon as they open
The parish chapter 1
1. There should be a window you can go in to get in there go to the truck at the end of it theres a part where you can jump onto a lamp next to a door keep going forward and jump in that window as a smoker or hunter you can ambush them