Easy wins as Infected in No Mercy, Level 3
This trick works best as a Hunter. Before you spawn in the No Mercy campaign, Level 3, go all the way to the very end, at the hospital. Once up the ladder, turn to your right, and there should be a dumpster. Move it all the way over to the manhole, and one of two things will happen. It will either fall all the way down, which is bad because the Survivors can't move it; or it will partially fall in. The survivors cannot move this at all. If you are a Tank, you can move a car over it, which is better than the dumpster. From here, do not puke on them as a Boomer, as it will attract the Horde. The Horde will try to move the object away from the manhole. Then, attack them as Hunters and Smokers. They may shoot you, but every so often, you can hurt them until finally they die.