Barnett College: Easy studs
Note: This trick works best when using the Xbox 360 NXE update to speed up loading time. Start at Barnett College after opening all chapters and having all characters available for purchase in the library. Once finished, go around Barnett College and destroy everything in every room that is breakable, collecting the studs as you go. This includes the theater and the classroom. Once done, go into the main hall and destroy the file cabinets and boxes at the bottom of the stairs. Next, go in the other direction to the end of the hallway past the offices and the library. Notice the two benches and some Lego studs. Destroy the benches and collect the studs. Go to the art room where you build your own Lego characters. Along the way, destroy all green plants and benches. Once finished go into the art room and destroy the items in the room and collect those studs. Use the "Force save" trick to save, then exit the game. Load the game again. You will notice that the college has regenerated all the studs you just collected. Get then again and repeat this as many times as desired. This is useful when you want to unlock the knight from the Last Crusade, which requires 100,000 studs. Once you purchase all of the characters you can now work on the parcels using the same cheat.