Easy points
You can get ten points a minute if you go to training mode, choose a character and opponent, then leave the game on for about five hours. Note: Do not pause the game.
Plug in a second controller, go to options, change the time to 30 seconds, and turn up the damage. Go to versus mode, turn the handicap down on controller two, and fight. You will get 100 points for each match.
To get easy points in arcade mode, fight up to Abyss in any difficulty on high damage. Your best difficulty setting is recommended. Once at Abyss, intentionally die on purpose multiple times. Continue, then die again. You will get 100 points every time a continue is used. When you finally choose to defeat Abyss, you will also get 50 points times the difficulty setting.
Enter the options screen. Select "Game Option" and set your difficulty bar high, choose the Turbo 2 speed, and have unlimited time. Put the damage bar on high. Go to arcade mode and choose any character with Cable (for example, War Machine, B.B. Hood, and Cable). When you begin at the first stage, make sure Cable's out first. Keep shooting with the pistol until your third opponent's life bar is half full. At this time your level gauge should be past 3. Use it at the correct moment and you will see more than 80 hit(s), plus the Perfect. You now have more than 300,000,000 points. Repeat this for the rest of the game .When you get to Abyss, be sure not to have him defeat one of your characters. Just keep shooting Cable's pistol until you get to his last form. On his final form, when Abyss shows up again, make sure your level gauge is at 3 or more to blast away.
Use the following trick to get Perfects nine times out of ten in arcade mode. Enter the options screen and choose any difficulty (Boss is easy on any difficulty). Set the timer to 30 seconds. In arcade mode, choose Chun-Li first and any characters after her. Set the game match to easy and on turbo. Hold Right + A (her fast kick) before the match starts. She will move next to the opponent, the match will start, hit the opponent (even though they may block). and continue to kick. The opponent will simply block for remaining time and the single blocked hit will let you win. You can simply hold Right A the entire time to easily win all seven matches up to the Boss without paying attention for over 2,000 points.
Start an arcade mode game with the damage on very high. Have player two interrupt your game. Defeat the second player. This should take about eighteen seconds. Keep interrupting. Every time you get interrupted and win, it is just as if you had the match for that stage, and you will get that many points. For example, if you get ten wins and quit, you should get about 2,500 points. If you get ten wins and complete the game, you should get about 6,000 points. Continue this until you have as many points as desired.
Choose Cable, War Machine, and Iron Man (in that order). When your point bar gets to the maximum, make them use their combo. This combo defeats your opponent in almost one move.