
Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Midnight Club: Los Angeles Cheats...

  Midnight Club: Los Angeles Walkthroughs

   Cannot change car parts...
   Catch freeway racer...
   Cheat Codes...
   Custom items...
   Drive with open doors...
   Easy rank and money...
   Everything is free...
   Free parts...
   Get rid of police...
   Hydraulics and air bags...
   Infinite money...
   Jordan Jumpman gamerpic...
   Karol Garage partner mission...
   Neither Bird nor Plane Achieve...
   Performance upgrades...
   Self-driving motorcycle...
   South Central Achievements...
   Vehicle groups...


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

Cannot change car parts

When customizing a car, make sure you do not have a negative amount of money (such as from being arrested and fined for more money than you had). If you have a negative amount, you cannot change any car part, even ones you already bought.

Catch freeway racer

When you see a red target far away on the map, enable the "No damage" and "Unlimited nitro" cheats to reach them quickly. Turn off both cheats when you are about to race him to keep your reputation and money intact.

Cheat Codes

Collect the hidden Rockstar barrels to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Enabling a cheat will stop your progress in Career mode and disable the earning of money and reputation from races.

Unlimited Nitro: 10 barrels
Never Damage Out: 20 barrels
Unlimited Special Abilities: 30 barrels
Top Down View: 40 barrels
No Police: 50 barrels
No Fines: 60 barrels

Custom items

Participate in the indicated number of races for a specific vehicle class to unlock the corresponding item that can be customized for that particular class (Tuners, Muscles, Luxury, Exotics, or Superbikes)

Blowers: 45 races.
Car headlights: 36 races.
Car spoilers: 18 races.
Car stereos: 27 races.
Exhausts: 45 races.
Front bumpers: 9 races.
Front seats: 27 races.
Hoods: 36 races.
Intercoolers: 45 races.
Motorcycle bowls: 36 races.
Motorcycle tails: 18 races.
Motorcycle tanks: 27 races.
Post gauges: 27 races.
Rear bumpers: 18 races.
Skirts: 9 races.
Steering wheels: 27 races.
Taillights: 36 races.
Widebody kits: 45 races.

Drive with open doors

In the garage, modify your car. Go to the "Doors" selection to preview the door opening. Once it opens all the way, back out and then quickly A as soon as the menu appears. Your doors should now be stuck wide open. They will close if you select some options, mainly the "Doors" modifications. When you leave the garage, your doors should still be stuck open, and you can drive around with them in this position.

Easy rank and money

Go to Arcade mode. Set the AI setting to "Easy". Set the traffic to "None". Disable power-ups. To earn money; make sure you do not finish in last place.

Everything is free

Successfully complete Career mode.

Free parts

Use the following trick to get free parts without completing the game. Go to "Garage" and "Customize Your Car". Go to "Performance Parts" and press X to auto upgrade. This will check off all parts you can put on. Do not press A. After you press X, press Xbox 360 Logo (guide). Go to your friends list and join someone's session. Note: You can also join the recent players list for a better chance of someone playing online. When asked if you want to start a multi-player match, select "OK". When you get on the street, you will have the parts installed with no money deducted from your bank. This also works on any interior or exterior part, but the process is slightly longer to make the car you want. For example, highlight "Front bumper" then press X. Go to the bumper you want and press Xbox 360 Logo. Join someone's game, and when you roll out of the garage you will have that free bumper. Quit the multi-player game, return to the garage, and get any other part desired by doing the same thing.

Note: This trick only works on cars that can have sidepipes (muscle cars). Use the following procedure to get free side exhaust pipes. Enter the garage and select the muscle car of your choice; make sure it can have sidepipes. Go to "Customize Car". Go to "Side", and select "Side Exhaust". Highlight the exhaust of your choice and press B. Go back into "Side Exhaust". The pipes you want will now be $0.

Get rid of police

Use the following trick to get rid of the police when doing a race. Finish the race, then enable the "No police" cheat, then turn it off again. The police will disappear and will not have any effect on anything you do afterward.

Hydraulics and air bags

To unlock hydraulics and air bags, you must join the Rockstar Social Club, link to your Gamertag, then complete four of the twelve "Driving Test" achievements listed on the website. Doing so will unlock hydraulics/air bags for your Gamertag, even if you totally restart the game. If you already have four of them completed, just joining the Rockstar Social Club and linking your Gamertag will unlock your hydraulics and air bags.

Infinite money

Complete Career mode.

Jordan Jumpman gamerpic

Earn the "Jordan Jumpman" achievement by spending more than ten minutes in the air.

Karol Garage partner mission

Earn the "Idol" rank (33,500 Reputation).

Neither Bird nor Plane Achievemen hint

You can also get this cheat on the Ninja, but you need to fully do it up to get the speed you need.

Performance upgrades

Reach the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding performance upgrade.

Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 1 vehicles: Earn the "Navigator" rank (800 Reputation).
Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 2 vehicles: Earn the "Driver" rank (5,600 Reputation).
Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 3 vehicles: Earn the "Elite Racer" rank (13,700 Reputation).
Level 1 Performance upgrades for Group 4 vehicles: Earn the "Savant" rank (22,760 Reputation).
Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 1 vehicles: Earn the "Rookie" rank (3,610 Reputation).
Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 2 vehicles: Earn the "Veteran" rank (10,760 Reputation).
Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 3 vehicles: Earn the "Legend" rank (19,540 Reputation).
Level 2 Performance upgrades for Group 4 vehicles: Earn the "Hero" rank (26,160 Reputation).

Self-driving motorcycle

Go to the gas station and repair your motorcycle. Then run over one of the gas pumps. You will walk away with little damage and a motorcycle that is riding by itself.

South Central Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock


In both offline and offline game modes, you can "teleport" around the map by entering the race editor, switching out of "drive and drop" mode, moving the pointer to where you want to go, then going back to drive and drop mode, and exiting the creator. You will be where you ended the race editor.

Vehicle groups

Reach the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding vehicle group.

Group 2 vehicles: Earn the "Student Driver" rank (2,000 Reputation).
Group 3 vehicles: Earn the "Racer" rank (8,060 Reputation).
Group 4 vehicles: Earn the "Champion" rank (16,500 Reputation).

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