Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Blue Lightning (20 points)
| - In Double Play, 1P (Red) does not fire any shots, 2P (Blue) only one used to clear stage (Xbox 360 Mode/higher than Normal).
| - Used a bomb and destroyed 12 or more enemy characters at once (All game modes/DUAL unavailable).
- Fire Flower Festival (15 points)
| - Used all 7 bombs in stock. (All game modes/DUAL unavailable).
| - Forced the boss to blow-up by itself before time was up (All game modes/DUAL unavailable).
- Not A Scratch (15 points)
| - Cleared the LEVEL with no extra ships or bombs (All game modes/DUAL unavailable).
- Shelter From The Storm (30 points)
| - Rescue all Miclus in Level 2-1 to 2-7 (Xbox 360, Score Attack/DUAL unavailable).