Pickpocketing 101
Woodley is the first location in the game where you can start pickpocketing people, animals - and even your team mates (while inside the ship). Before you start pickpocketing like crazy, I must warn you that each of your party memnbers has a 2 or 3/ 10 chance of "catching" you stealing. Unfortunately, they won't react and you'll have no clue as to when you've been caught or not. But one thing is for sure though; if they caught you in the act, you'll automatically lose an affinity point (your relationship for your party members will be affected negatively) so pickpocket ONLY if the target has a rare or uncommon item. Most of the items that you can get can be bought or simply trash so you shouldn't have any problems deciding who to steal from.
First, you must teach Edge the Pickpocketing manual that can be bought from the bookstore. Purchase a Bandit's Glove and equip it to him as a wrist accessory. Approach your target and press B to attempt pickpocketing. Your chances of success depends on your current skill level for pickpocketing vs the character's pickpocketing resistance (also with levels 1-10). You can attempt as many times as it takes; however, they will only carry one item at a time. A pickpocketing list will added in various locations as you go through this guide so make use of it to help you decide your targets.