Easy "Echoes From The Past" achievement
At the start of the game jump in and out of the water and over the log and other objects. The achievement will be earned at the end of the game.
Easy "Escape Artist" achievement
Complete the entire game without dying. Do not restart a wave after a mistake is made. Instead, select "Quit" from the menu. When you open the game again, select the "Resume" option to begin from the previous level.
Easy "Triple Jelly!" achievement
Reach the hole/pond with a group of about eight jellyfish. You have to kill at least three jellyfish simultaneously. Get the group to move from left to right and hit the air bubbles. Try to get them on top of each other and when one blows there will be a large air bubble. It will cause a ripple effect if the rest of the jellyfish are close enough. Reload the wave and try again if you did not kill enough. The achievement will be earned at the end of the game.