Achievement | How to unlock
- DLC 1 Expert ( 25 points )
| - Win ranked match on every map in DLC 1.
- DLC 2 Expert ( 25 points )
| - Win ranked match on every map in DLC 2.
| - Throw reverse grenade in CTF mode on enemy who carries your flag
- Jump of the year! ( 25 points )
| - Use time powers or time fields to prevent falling damage 3 times.
- Master Miner--Crowned! ( 25 points )
| - Get 25 kills using land or laser mines.
- Off. Off. Damned Clutch... ( 25 points )
| - Reverse clutch grenade from yourself 3 times in multiplayer.
- Regicide Rules! ( 25 points )
| - Kill king in King of Time mode 25 times.
- Ride My Rockets! ( 25 points )
| - Use rocket launcher 11 times to kill opponent while he is in the air. Low gravity mode will help.
- You can't catch me! ( 25 points )
| - Use your time shield to escape from any time field 25 times.
- You won't even know how! ( 25 points )
| - Throw reverse grenade when opponent is shooting you. Kill your opponent 3 times with his own shots.