
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent

JBA HQ Part 2: Enrica ends mission

On the "JBA HQ Part 2" mission there are a certain number of optional objectives, one of which is to gather information from Emile's safe. If you do this successfully you must leave his office. The only ways out of his office are through the door (risky as you have a better chance of getting caught) or out into the courtyard. The issue with the courtyard is that there is only one way to get back into the headquarters, through Enrica's window. Before you enter the room, check the map. Notice that Enrica is in her lab working on the other end of the complex. However as soon as you choose to enter her room through the bathroom window, she will instantly appear in the doorway and attempt to scold Fisher. Fisher then proceeds to make a move on her and she lets him off with a warning "Next time, bring flowers", ending the mission.

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