Easier Master Romancing Achievements
First, make sure you have lots of money, which can be made by using the Chili growing tip.
Next, put Gretchem Fetchem to work by having her find whatever pinata you want expressely. In a half hour you can easily have 7 of a species. I recommend Taffly's, Flutterscotchs, and Sparrowmints first, for evolving reasons.
If you get 7 sparrowmints, you get the master romancing award for them, then make all of them eat a butterscotch flowerhead, they all become candaries, and you get the MR award for them as well.
Same with Tafflys, get 7, get the award, then make them go through the garden torch one by one, and put them out with a water can once they are on fire, this will give you 7 red-hotts, the MR award for them, and they well for 2100 each.
Also, get 7 white flutterscotchs and evolve them to whatever you want. I evolved them to yellow by making them eating butterscotchs.
Another easy method is using the 7 paper pets from the Paper pet lady, check out, go back to the garden, get all the rewards, then sell them all. Do this with every animal she has for easy levels and master romancing awards.