Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
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- Angel of Death (60 points)
| - Complete all assassinations in a level using only accidents.
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| - Obtain all disguises in the game.
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- Contract Killer (90 points)
| - Complete a Level without Killing (except for assassination targets).
- Deadly Ending (20 points)
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- Deadly Instinct (40 points)
| - Complete a level without using instinct mode.
| - Perform a perfect rewiring (sabotage minigame).
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- Go For The Throat (30 points)
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- Goodbye, Colonel (20 points)
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| - Complete game without killing (except for assassination targets).
| - Obtain Ghost Ranking on a level.
| - Perfect lockpicking attempt.
| - Obtain Maniac Ranking on a level.
- Once Upon a Time (20 points)
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| - Complete a level using one disguise or less.
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| - Complete a level without using your gun.
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- Sleeper Agent (30 points)
| - Use Chloroform on 30 enemies.
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