Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Defeat Gooseka in the Radaxian Castle.
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| - Defeat Chokkina in The City of Radaxian.
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| - Defeat Parplin in Nibana Lowlands.
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| - Discover the secret island.
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| - Win the Jankenpon tournament.
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| - Get all the collectibles.
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| - Talk to all the NPC's in the game.
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| - Get the telepathic ball in the "Mt.Kave" level.
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| - Clear the "Namui Lake" level without shooting with the peticopter.
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| - Free Egle at Radaxian Castle.
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| - Defeat Grizzly Bear and Funky Monkey.
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| - Finish the game without buying items in the shops.
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