Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
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| - Personally retrieve all the Artifacts.
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| - Cure yourself of Swamp Fever.
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| - Defeat ARK's second Ultimate Life Form.
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| - Reach the highest mountain peak of the ARK.
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| - Reach the bottom of the ARK's oceans.
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| - Uncover more than 80% of the Mini-Map.
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| - Defeat ARK's third Ultimate Life Form.
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| - Level one of your dinosaurs to the maximum level.
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| - Reach the maximum survivor level.
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| - Defeat ARK's first three Ultimate Life Forms.
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| - Unlock all the Explorer Notes on ARK Prime
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| - Defeat ARK's first Ultimate Life Form.
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| - Survive a full day and night on the ARK.
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