Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - You somehow killed an innocent little bird...
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| - Find and save my childhood buddy.
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| - Make a total of 352 duels.
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| - Fully dismember an enemy summoner when finishing him.
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| - Get at least 55 stars from the quest mode.
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| - Get rid of a feng blade with a sword attack.
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| - Win at least eleven duels in survival mode.
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| - Perform successfully a seven big melee attacks combo.
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| - Win at least seven duels in survival mode.
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| - Your fights destroyed at least 1000 rocks.
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| - Unlock the eleven styles.
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| - Beat the great master Oji.
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| - Parry incoming bone shards with a shackling root.
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| - Win at least three duels in survival mode.
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