Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Advance your settlement to the Ancient Age.
- City of Science (100 points)
| - Completed 30 scientific researches.
- Classical Age (25 points)
| - Advance your settlement to the Classical Age.
- Field of Dreams (100 points)
| - Build 30 new buildings in your settlement.
| - Achieve 250 offensive victories.
- Grow Your Empire (100 points)
| - Upgrade 100 buildings in your settlement.
- Hold the Line (50 points)
| - Achieve 250 defensive victories.
- Industrial Age (50 points)
| - Advance your settlement to the Industrial Age.
| - Advance your settlement to the Medieval Age.
- Moving on Up (100 points)
| - Acquire 2500 trophies in battle.
- Renaissance Age (50 points)
| - Advance your settlement to the Renaissance Age.
- Run the Gauntlet (100 points)
| - Achieve 60 stars in the the campaign.
- Sticky Fingers (100 points)
| - Steal 1000000 coins from the enemy.
| - Win 10 consecutive victories against the enemy.