Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Destroy more than 200 asteroids.
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| - Mission "Breaking Through" completed in solo.
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| - Score 700k points in any mode.
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| - Score 500k points in any mode.
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| - Complete Mission 1 in Arcade co-op mode with friendly fire activated.
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| - Complete each Arcade mode missions at least once without dying.
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| - Finish the eight missions in Arcade or Arcade co-op mode.
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| - Score 900k points in any mode.
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| - Score 250k points in any mode.
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| - Complete each Arcade mode missions at least once without dying by obstacle collision.
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| - Score 50k points in any mode.
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| - Kill at least one of each type of enemies.
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| - Kill TUNNELER V7-470 using railgun only.
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