
Blackguards 2

Blackguards 2 Cheats...

  Blackguards 2 Walkthroughs

   Easy "Blunt Force" Achievement...
   Easy "No Blood! No Blood!" Ach...
   Easy "No Weapons" Achievement...
   Various Achievements...

Easy "Blunt Force" Achievement

This can be done during the first three tutorial missions. There are many of spiders that will die from a single punch. Switch to bare hand mode before the battles through the "Inventory" screen, then kill all the spiders in the initial missions.

Easy "No Blood! No Blood!" Achievement

Play the third battle, where you control Cassie, the spider, and a despaired man. Cassie is the only one that must reach the safe zone to end the battle. Use your spider to break barrels to access the chest, then hide the spider behind it. Go for the lever with the man as quickly as possible to open the gate. Pass through the gate with Cassie, and reach the door. Hit the lever, then run to the safe zone to get the "No Blood! No Blood!" achievement.

Easy "No Weapons" Achievement

Play the second battle. You can kill the first spider easily, then run. Cycle through the spike trap and fire trap to kill the rest of the enemies and get the "No Weapons" achievement.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints

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