Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - You've completed the chapter III.
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| - You've completed the chapter II.
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| - You've completed the chapter IV.
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| - You've completed the chapter IX.
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| - You've completed the chapter I.
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| - You've completed the chapter VIII.
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| - You've completed the chapter VII.
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| - You've completed the chapter VI.
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| - You've completed the chapter V.
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| - You've completed the chapter X.
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| - You've found all the Emily's music boxes.
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| - You've completed the story.
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| - You've killed three enemies with headshots.
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| - You've answered all phone calls.
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| - You've tried to do something stupid.
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| - You've watched credits without being forced.
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| - You've drunk some sewer water.
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