Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- Find the Golden Flower III
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower II
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower IV
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower IX
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower VIII
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower VII
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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- Find the Golden Flower VI
| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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| - Find all Golden Flowers in the level.
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