Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Unlock all stars in the Arcade Mode.
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| - Win the first battle of the Arcade Mode.
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| - Complete the second chapter of Luna's campaign.
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| - Complete the first chapter of Luna's campaign.
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| - Complete the first chapter of Sir Gavin's campaign.
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| - Complete the fourth chapter of Sir Gavin's campaign.
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| - Complete the second chapter of Sir Gavin's campaign.
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| - Complete the fourth chapter of Luna's campaign.
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| - Complete the third chapter of Sir Gavin's campaign.
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| - Complete the last chapter of Luna's campaign.
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| - Complete the third chapter of Luna's campaign.
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| - Win the last battle of the Arcade Mode.
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| - Complete the last chapter of Sir Gavin's campaign.
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