Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Earn a first place finish in each Desert level in Smack Attack, Gate Relay and Flag Rally modes.
| - Win all levels in Flag Rally mode.
| - Complete 10 sideways dodges in one match by using the right stick or LB/RB.
| - Earn double smacks by damaging an opponent in Smack Attack while powersliding with the brake.
| - Win 12 different matches with a single character.
| - Earn 10 boosts in one match by completing forward flips with the right stick.
| - Win Flag Rally with at least two captures of 3 or more flags at a time.
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| - Win Gate Relay having used turbo boost 20 times.
| - Win Smack Attack while getting points from at least 10 different weapons.
| - Win Smack Attack while using only your character's favorite weapon collected from "!" powerups.
| - Win all levels in Smack Attack mode.
| - In Death Valley, drop the 100 ton weight on opponent by shooting the target with your Basic Attack.
| - Win all levels in Gate Relay mode.
| - Flatten 3 different opponents in one Gate Relay race by dodging into them with the RS or LB/RB.
| - Win all levels in all modes.