Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Recruit Yasmine without a fight.
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| - Finish a campaign in All Valley Tournament Mode (Any Character)
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| - Learn balance in Karate and start a journey with Daniel (Finish Story Act 1 - Miyagi-Do)
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- Best Defense is More Offense
| - Finish a level without dodging.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Classic CK Site Level.
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| - QUIET! Shut you mouth and start kicking arse with Johnny (Finish Story Act 1 - Eagle Fang)
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| - Finish twenty enemies without taking a hit.
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| - Finish all Cobra Classic Scenarios.
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| - Finish one Cobra Classic Scenario.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the School Level.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Arcade Level.
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| - Finish preparations for the All Valley Tournament (Finish Story Act 2 - Any Dojo)
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| - Have any character leave your Dojo (Any Dojo)
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| - Finish thirty enemies with Badass Mode active.
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| - Find five Collectibles in the game.
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| - Complete twenty Story Karate Challenges.
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| - Recruit characters to fill all Fighter Slots and all Staff slots in a Level 5 Dojo (Any Dojo)
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Valley Fest Level.
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| - Finish fifteen enemies with any Skill.
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| - Start a mission with all four Characters in your party in "Excited" mood (Any Dojo)
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| - Find thirty Collectibles in the game.
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| - Win a Tournament fight controlling Kenny in less than three minutes.
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| - Win a Tournament fight controlling Mitch.
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| - Upgrade a Dojo to Level 5 (Any Dojo)
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| - Recruit your first Character.
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| - Use environmental Chi Attacks twenty times.
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| - Ally with another Dojo during Act 4 (Any Dojo)
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| - Get hundred Hits in a single combo.
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| - Clear a level without using any Skills (Chi attacks are OK)
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| - Find and Destroy a secret passage.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Mall Level.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Juvie Level.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Chop Shop Level.
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| - Finish 05 enemies with ground attacks.
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| - Recruit five Staff to your Dojo (Any Dojo)
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| - Reach Combo Meter N / M five times.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Roller Skate Arena Level.
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| - Finish a two player versus match in All Valley Tournament Mode (Any Character)
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| - Get a character to "Excited" mood (Any Dojo)
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| - Buy ten items from Lyle's Shop.
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| - Recruit Devon Lee and Chozen.
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| - Win a fight with Nate or Bert in the Tournament.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the Coyote Creek Level.
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| - Clear a level without ever switching characters.
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| - Start a level with one accessory equipped in each character.
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| - Recruit one or more Characters in the L.A. Beach Level.
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| - Become the All Valley Karate Champion (Finish Story Act 3 - Any Dojo)
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| - Complete ten Story Karate Challenges.
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| - Grab and Drag enemies for thousand meters.
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| - Turn in more than $5000 profit in a day at the Dojo (Any Dojo)
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| - Eliminate Mercy within you and join Sensei Kreese (Finish Story Act 1 - Cobra Kai)
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| - Complete ten unique sensei dares.
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| - Complete one sensei dare.
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| - Start your quest to raise the best Dojo in the Valley.
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