Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- All The Science Challenge - CHAMPION
| - Research all the technologies in mission 5 within 1 year 9 months.
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- All The Science Challenge - EXPERT
| - Research all the technologies in mission 5 within 2 years.
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- All The Science Challenge - LEGENDARY
| - Research all the technologies in mission 5 within 1 year 6 months.
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- Boatbuilder Challenge - CHAMPION
| - Build a boat in mission 3 within 2.5 months.
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- Boatbuilder Challenge - EXPERT
| - Build a boat in mission 3 within 3 months.
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- Boatbuilder Challenge - LEGENDARY
| - Build a boat in mission 3 within 2 months.
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| - Complete the economic campaign.
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| - Receive a wave from a carrybot!
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| - Complete the military campaign.
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| - Earn a gold medal on mission 10.
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| - Earn a gold medal on mission 11.
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| - Earn a gold medal on mission 3.
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| - Earn a gold medal on mission 5.
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| - Earn a gold medal on mission 8.
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- Supplier Challenge - CHAMPION
| - Sell one of each resource without purchasing anything in mission 8 within 10 months.
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- Supplier Challenge - EXPERT
| - Sell one of each resource without purchasing anything in mission 8 within 11 months.
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- Supplier Challenge - LEGENDARY
| - Sell one of each resource without purchasing anything in mission 8 within 9 months.
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- Tea Party Challenge - CHAMPION
| - Store 100 Wheat Tea on each of the five islands in mission 7 within 10 months.
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- Tea Party Challenge - EXPERT
| - Store 100 Wheat Tea on each of the five islands in mission 7 within 11 months.
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- Tea Party Challenge - LEGENDARY
| - Store 100 Wheat Tea on each of the five islands in mission 7 within 9 months.
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