Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Acquire a Flashback Tape.
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| - Crouch or slide into a double jump.
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| - Complete all levels in N. Verted mode.
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| - Beat any boss in N. Verted mode.
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| - Defeat N. Gin and his Weapon of Mass Percussion.
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| - Spend some time surfin' the waves.
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- Closing the Experiment Log
| - Earn all of the platinum Flashback Relics.
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| - Find the hidden Green Gem.
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| - Earn all of the platinum Time Trial Relics.
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| - Earn any Time Trial Relic.
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| - Play a game of Checkpoint Race.
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| - Scare the cat hiding from a party.
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| - Beat a level in N. Verted mode.
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| - Make music in an unlikely place.
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| - Earn all of the Clear Gems.
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| - Complete a level as Coco.
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- Like a Rhinestone Bandicoot
| - Earn half of the Clear Gems.
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| - Earn any Flashback Relic.
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| - Beat a story level without dying.
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| - Complete a level with Pass N. Play enabled.
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| - Watch the 106% bonus ending.
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| - Watch the 100% bonus ending.
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| - Earn all N.Sanely Perfect Relics.
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- Putting Things In Perspective
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- Reality-Shattering Proportions
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| - Find the hidden Blue Gem.
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| - Play a game of Crate Combo.
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| - Defeat an enemy with Triple Spin.
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| - Earn any N.Sanely Perfect Relic.
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| - Betrayed! By your worst enemy.
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| - Find the hidden Yellow Gem.
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| - Find the source of the Bumpa Berries.
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| - Defeat the Doctors N. Tropy.
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| - Grabbed a bushel of Bumpa.
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- What Has Been, Will Be Again
| - Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex... again.
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