Various Gameplay Hints
Hint 1
As with any fighting game, you should experiment with different characters to find which one suits your playstyle best.
Hint 2
Dead or Alive 5 uses a kind of rock-paper-scissors formula in which strikes trump throws, throws trump hold, and holds trump strikes.
Hint 3
If you're new to the series, play story mode first and jump into multiplayer after you finish it. The practice will definitely help.
Hint 4
Take some time to learn combos. Button mashing only gets you so far in Dead or Alive.
Hint 5
Spend some time in the training mode to hone your fighting skills.
Hint 6
Don't worry too much about intricate combos when you first start off. Just commit to memorizing a few simple ones and work your way up from there.
Hint 7
Use directional inputs for blocking instead of buttons, as it gives you more freedom to follow up with attacks/counters.
Hint 8
Kasumi and Kokoro are good characters for beginners.