Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Beaten all the trophies in Apocadesert.
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| - Collected all the cake in Apocadesert.
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| - Beaten all Apocadesert levels in their secondary state.
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- Apocadesert's Lollipop Sucker
| - Collected all the lollipops in Apocadesert.
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| - Beaten all Apocadesert levels in their initial state.
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| - Survived all arena matches.
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| - Survived in an arena match.
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| - Beaten all the trophies in Armadageddon.
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- Armadageddon's Cake Lover
| - Collected all the cake in Armadageddon.
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| - Beaten all Armadageddon levels in their secondary state.
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- Armadageddon's Lollipop Sucker
| - Collected all the lollipops in Armadageddon.
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| - Beaten all Armadageddon levels in their initial state.
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| - Collected a retro arcade cartridge.
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| - Collected all retro arcade cartridges.
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| - Collected all sweets in the game.
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| - Beaten all the trophies in New Neo City.
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- New Neo City's Cake Lover
| - Collected all the cake in New Neo City.
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| - Beaten all New Neo City levels in their secondary state.
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- New Neo City's Lollipop Sucker
| - Collected all the lollipops in New Neo City.
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| - Beaten all New Neo City levels in their initial state.
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| - Submitted all Photo Hunt photographs.
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| - Beaten all the trophies in Peak Plateau.
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- Peak Plateau's Cake Lover
| - Collected all the cake in Peak Plateau.
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| - Beaten all Peak Plateau levels in their secondary state.
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- Peak Plateau's Lollipop Sucker
| - Collected all the lollipops in Peak Plateau.
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| - Beaten all Peak Plateau levels in their initial state.
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| - Submitted a Photo Hunt photograph.
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| - Beaten all mini challenges.
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| - Beaten all trophies in the game.
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| - Collected everything and unlocked the final vault.
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| - Beaten all Demon Soccer Golf courses.
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| - Beaten a Demon Soccer Golf course.
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