
Destiny 2

Easy Radiolarian Cultures and Paradox Amplifiers ("Curse Of Osiris" DLC)

Radiolarian Cultures and Paradox Amplifiers are required to forge Verse weapons on Mercury. You can get Radiolarian Cultures from Public Events and loot chests on any planet. A quick and easy way to get Radiolarian Cultures is by jumping between Public Events on any planet and searching for chests in the area while waiting for the Public Events to start. Make sure to use a ghost or perk that displays nearby chests on that planet. The best place to farm for chests while completing Public Events is Titan. It is a smaller map, with lots of chests spawning, and two Public Events that are near each other. To collect Paradox Amplifiers, play Crucible matches and Heroic Adventures and Strikes. Crucible matches are the best way to earn Paradox Amplifiers, as matches are shorter than Heroic Adventures and Strikes, and you can earn Paradox Amplifiers whether you win or lose a Crucible match.

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