Easy "A Toe Into Madness" achievement
To get the "A Toe Into Madness" achievement, you must complete the first mission on the Ultra-Nightmare difficulty. This is a hardcore mode without checkpoints. If you die, you respawn at the very beginning of the mission. On this difficulty, you die in 3-4 hits and gain very little health and armor from pick-ups. The best strategy is to bait the enemies. Try to let them come to you one by one and stay as far back as possible. Use the alternate fire on the pistol to zoom in. A charge shot with the pistol can kill some enemies in one hit. The smallest enemies are easily defeated with melee attacks. This will drop more health than shooting them and saves ammo. Additionally, make sure you buy the "Explosive Shot" mod for the shotgun at the field drone. It lets you fire a grenade that kills most enemies on a direct hit. It also has really good range and splash damage to kill multiple targets at once.