Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Collect your first puzzle piece.
- Anti-Hypnotist (20 points)
| - Defeat Grave Decisions without hypnotizing any zombies.
| - Create a back door into the ice fortress on Penguin Prison Break.
| - Find every letter on the secret puzzle level.
| - Find the Lad of Los in The Bee's Knees.
| - Fire your stickman out of a cannon.
| - Defeat Buckets n' Bunnies without drawing any rain clouds.
| - Find all of the color buddies hidden throughout Epic!.
- Customs Inspector (20 points)
| - Open every container on Pirate's Plunder.
- Epic Stickman (40 points)
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| - Defeat the dragon and unlock the chest on the puzzle level.
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- Friend of Frith (10 points)
| - Complete Cuddle Bunny Peak without killing any bunnies.
- Hungry Lil' Critter (20 points)
| - Get a bunny to grow to its maximum size.
| - Defeat Grave Decisions with all zombies hypnotized.
| - Unleash king penguin to destroy the ice fortress on Penguin Prison Break.
| - Find the Lad of Los in Volcanic Valley.
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- Monster Slayer (20 points)
| - Slay your first Armakillo.
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- Pencil Master (10 points)
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| - Find the Lad of Los on Pirate's Plunder.
- Pumpkin Master (20 points)
| - Defeat Grave Decisions with all jack-o'-lanterns lit.
- Puzzle Master (30 points)
| - Collect all of the puzzle pieces.
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- Quick Draw Vengeance (75 points)
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| - Rain on every flower in Stickenstein's Monster.
| - Light every torch in Zarp's Fortress.
- Stick-Adventurer (20 points)
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- Stick-Avenger (20 points)
| - Slay all the armakillos in The Battle of Stickopolis.
- Stick-Daredevil (20 points)
| - Take damage without dying 100 times.
- Stick-Explorer (10 points)
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- Stick-Pacifist (20 points)
| - Disable the tentacles without slaying the armakillo.
- Stick-Voyager (30 points)
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| - Draw your first lightning cloud.
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- Treasure Hunter (20 points)
| - Discover the secret chest in Volcanic Valley.
- Troll Wrangler (20 points)
| - Get the spiders to web up the troll.
- Very Thorough (35 points)
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- Where are My Dragons (15 points)
| - Hatch all of the dragons in Dragon Omelet.
| - Find the Lad of Los on Penguin Prison Break.