Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- Alien Maggots are Gonna Pay
| - Finish the "Hollywood Holocaust" level in under 3 minutes.
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| - Kill a Firefly Trooper while it's flying small.
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| - Complete "Shrapnel City" on any difficulty.
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| - Complete "The Birth" on any difficulty.
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| - Find the Doomguy in the Level "Death Row"
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| - Step on 40 enemies after using the Shrinker on them.
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- Duke, Use the Force! (secret)
| - Find Luke in the Level "Lunar Reactor"
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| - Use the hookah in High Times.
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- I Never Knew This Was Here
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| - Complete "Alien World Order" on any difficulty.
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| - Step in a pile of excrement.
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| - Complete "Lunar Apocalypse" on any difficulty.
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- More Than 2 Weapons At Once?
| - Carry all weapons with ammo at once.
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| - Kill 5 bad guys with one shot.
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- Oomph, Uugh, Where Is It?
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| - Complete "L.A. Meltdown" on any difficulty.
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| - Kill 10 bad guys in 10 seconds while on steroids.
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| - Burn 50 bad guys to death.
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| - Finish any level on "Damn, I'm Good" difficulty.
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| - Kill every enemy on a level.
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| - Listen to Developer Commentary (Use at least one trigger).
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- Why So Serious!?! (secret)
| - Find Sam in "Mirage Barrage".
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