Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A dog is man's best friend
| - Rescue twenty people from debris.
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| - Feed the victims in the camp.
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| - Capture twenty marauders.
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| - Complete all levels of chapter 1 for three stars.
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- Get lost like a baby in the woods
| - Complete all levels of chapter 2 for three stars.
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| - Complete all levels of chapter 3 for three stars.
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- Money can't buy happiness
| - Earn 100 units of money during the game.
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| - Rescue twenty drowning people.
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| - Build 100 production buildings.
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- Risk your own life for the sake of others
| - Complete all levels of chapter 5 for three stars.
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| - Complete all levels of chapter 4 for three stars.
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