Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A Good Plan, Violently Executed
| - Execute 100 Rejects (any mode)
| |
| - Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign
| |
- All Aboard the Crazy Train!
| - Complete all Acts of the Campaign on Insane
| |
| - Get a kill with a Hijacked Pouncer, Warden, Stump and Elite Hunter in Campaign
| |
| - Kill a Boss in Horde while all 5 players have active Ultimate Abilities
| |
| - Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign
| |
| - Get a kill with ricochet bullets using Jack's Barrier Ability
| |
- Back on Your Feet, Soldier!
| - Use Jack's STIM upgraded ability to revive a DBNO friendly in Campaign
| |
- Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
| | |
| - Complete a Versus match with a team of four Level 5 Gears Allies
| |
- Brought a Knife to a Gun Fight
| - Complete an Escape Hive without firing a shot on Master Difficulty
| |
| - Beat 50 Consecutive Waves of Horde (any difficulty)
| |
| - Reach Character Level 15 with Kait, JD, Del, Marcus, Fahz and Jack
| |
| - Reach the rank of Corporal in a Tour of Duty
| |
| - Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign
| |
- Did We Just Become Best Friends?
| - Reach Level 5 with an ally in Gears Allies
| |
- Discovered the True Threat to Sera
| - Complete all Acts of the Campaign (Any difficulty)
| |
| - Reach the rank of General in Tour of Duty
| |
| - Use Jack's Fetch ability to acquire each Heavy Weapon in Campaign
| |
| - Win a Ranked match in each week of a Ranked Season
| |
| - Complete a Featured community built Escape Hive
| |
| - Create and publish an Escape Hive
| |
- I Was Born in a Crossfire Hurricane
| - Use Jack's Flash ability to stun 3 enemies at once in Campaign
| |
| - Reach the rank of Captain in Tour of Duty
| |
- It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right
| - Complete an Act of Campaign in 3-player co-op
| |
- It's Time We Fight Them Together
| - Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign
| |
- It's Not Hoarding if Your Stuff is Cool
| - Collect all Campaign Collectibles
| |
| - Acquire all of Jack's Ultimate upgrades in Campaign
| |
| - Complete an Act of the Campaign as playable Jack (any difficulty)
| |
| - Fully upgrade Jack's Abilities and Passives in Campaign
| |
| - Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign
| |
- Let's Get You Some Answers
| - Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign
| |
- Let's Keep Pissin it Off!
| - Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign
| |
| - Reach the rank of Lieutenant in Tour of Duty
| |
| - Reach Character Level 15 with Mac, Lahni and Keegan
| |
| - Complete an Escape Hive on each difficulty
| |
| | |
| - Complete placement matches for a Ranked playlist
| |
- Not There to Buy a Timeshare
| - Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign
| |
| - Unlock during Act 1 of the Campaign
| |
| - Get 100 kills while inside Hivebuster Venom
| |
| | |
- One Sec, I'll Be Right Back
| - Switch characters in an Arcade match and kill an opponent who previously killed you
| |
| - Complete all 3 Objectives for Tour of Duty in a day
| |
| - Pass through a refuge shower with 3 Hivebusters in the same shower cubicle
| |
| - Scavenge supplies from all fallen Condors in Act 2 and Act 3
| |
| - Get a kill with 3 Perks active in Horde
| |
| - As Jack, convert one of each weapon to Power using the Forge in Horde
| |
| - Equip 3 Relic Weapons at one time in Campaign
| |
| - Kill an enemy with every Relic Weapon in Campaign
| |
| - Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign
| |
| - Use Jack's Cloak ability to cloak and execute 3 enemies before de-cloaking in Campaign
| |
| - Reach the rank of Sergeant in Tour of Duty
| |
- Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 1
| - Insane Campaign, Master Horde & Escape Launch Maps & Characters, 20 Re-ups, General in Tour
| |
| - Use Jack's Shock Trap ability to shock 6 enemies at once in Campaign
| |
| - Kill a Sire while it's kidnapping a teammate (any mode)
| |
| - Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign
| |
| - Inflict 9000 damage in Escape while 3 Ultimate Abilities are active
| |
- Then We Watch Each Other's Back
| - Unlock during Act 4 of the Campaign
| |
- Throw a Switch, See What Happens
| - Unlock during Act 3 of the Campaign
| |
| - Unlock during Act 2 of the Campaign
| |
- Where's My Product Endorsement Deal?
| | |
- Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters!
| - Complete 5 Escape Hives as each one of Mac, Lahni and Keegan
| |
| - Reach Character Level 15 with a launch Escape Character
| |
| - Reach Character Level 15 with a launch Horde Character
| |
| - As a team, collect Power from all 4 Power Taps within one wave of Horde
| |
- You Know I Ain't Going Out Like That
| - Unlock during Act 4 of the Campaign
| |
- You've Got a Friend in Me
| - Make a new Ally in Gears Allies
| |