Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- A Scout Always Pays Their Debts
| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Scout on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad on five Post Launch maps
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| - Upgraded all Skill Cards for one Horde class to Level 6
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| - Crafted a Craft Only card
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- I've Got You In My Sights
| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Soldier on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)
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| - Completed all Campaign Acts on Inconceivable difficulty
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| - Completed all Campaign Acts on Ironman in Co-op on Hardcore or higher difficulty
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Sniper on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Sniper on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad on any Post Launch map
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Heavy on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)
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| - Completed all Campaign Acts on Ironman (Hardcore, Insane, or Inconceivable difficulty)
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| - Upgraded a Skill Card to Level 6
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Soldier on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad
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- The Great Battle of our Time
| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Engineer on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad
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- To Survive a War, You Gotta Become War
| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Heavy on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad
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| - Upgraded 5 Skill Cards to Level 6
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Scout on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad
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| - Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Engineer on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)
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