Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- #include "*.*" (150 points)
| - Discover and collect all Secret Orbs in Hyper Void... and enjoy the level shortcuts!
- ...And The Worst (150 points)
| - Defeat IPA_IRecurse: the third incarnation of the virus in Level29. This is the final battle!
- Double Delete (50 points)
| - Pop both shells of the boss Shift_2LR in Level11. The first half is easy, but can you pop the other?
- Fragmentation (30 points)
| - Crush 10 boulders in Level04. Feels good, doesn't it... Your lasers are your friend here...
- Garbage Collector (40 points)
| - Wipe out 30 of the small bacterial minions puffed out by IPA_DRecurse spores in Level29!
| - Retrieve a dropped message from a fellow ship in the RM fleet. There is one at the end of Level01!
- Keep Calm and Don't Shoot (50 points)
| - Pass through the low-energy galaxy in Level10 without shooting a single bolt. It… is… so… tempting…
- Mr. Anderson! (15 points)
| - Get infected by the IPA virus in Level05. Um, have you updated your anti-virus database?
| - Collect your first power-up. You did? Now go and wipe them all out!
- Red Pill or Blue Pill? Neither (30 points)
| - Discover the green gate in Level20 [beyond, beyond, beyond] the two red/blue gates.
| - Defeat IPA_IRecon: the first incarnation of the virus in Level09. Now you know the true enemy!
| - Defeat IPA_VInterface: the second incarnation of the virus in Level19.
- To The Last Kilo-byte (200 points)
| - Win all 29 levels in Hyper Mode. Be proud, you have seen each and every kilo-byte this game has!
- Trip The Light Fantastic (40 points)
| - Sustain 10 seconds unharmed and without shooting against the boss IPA_IRecon in Level09.
- Try Catch Finally (50 points)
| - Make it unharmed through all the fleeing enemies in Level19... and prepare for what's coming next...