Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Curse this spherical prison!
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| - Don't give up now. You almost made it!
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| - Get the Piranha to the ocean.
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- Completing The Constellation
| - Get five stars on every level.
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| - Get Greg to the bathroom in less than 3 minutes.
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| - Get all the fish back in the ocean... with some extra friends!
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| - Complete the game in Iron Fish mode.
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| - Find all bread collectables on a level.
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| - In Forest Stream do not alert the seagulls.
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| - Reunite the four fish friends.
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| - Get the Pufferfish to the ocean.
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| - Get the goldfish to the ocean.
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| - Get the Flying Fish to the ocean.
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| - Escape Nigel in less than three minutes.
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| - Find your first bread collectable.
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| - Take the first step to freedom.
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| - Fight the fisherman for over fourty seconds.
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| - Not the most glamourous of escapes.
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- You Thought This Game Was Easy?
| - Complete the game in Iron Fish mode with Bossa Standard controls.
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| - Get a five Star rating on any level.
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