Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- A long journey (50 points)
| - You have completed the game.
| - You have opened a lock without damaging the picklock.
- For Sommerlund and the Kai! (100 points)
| - You have played the whole game on 'hard'.
- Kai Monastery Archivist (50 points)
| - You have unlocked all codex entries.
| - You have used 3 different Kai Disciplines in a single combat session.
- Master of Arms (40 points)
| - You have completely upgraded an axe, a mace and a sword.
- Prestidigitator (20 points)
| - You have opened a Shianti Cube lock using the minimum number of moves required.
- Stronger than any doubt (30 points)
| - You and Leandra finally came to respect one another.
| - You have watched all the credits after completing the game.
- Thinking ahead (10 points)
| - You have disposed of the prisoner yourself.
| - Leandra showed her affection for you.
| - You have won a fight without healing yourself.
| - You have killed 2 enemies in the same turn.
| - You have earned a total of 10000 Gold Crowns.
- Way of the Axe (10 points)
| - You had Grigol craft an Axe of pure Bronin.
- Way of the Mace (10 points)
| - You had Grigol craft a Mace of pure Bronin.
- Way of the Sword (10 points)
| - You had Grigol craft a Sword of pure Bronin.