Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Complete the game without killing any animal (except for Brume animals).
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| - Find five batteries to power the laboratory.
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| - Neutralize the Brume of Manastan.
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| - Wake up from a restful sleep.
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| - Find all Mistanite fragments.
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| - Find a snow globe of Henryville.
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| - Complete the game in survival mode.
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- Journal of Eweewach Valley
| - Complete all journal pages related to the Eweewach Valley.
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| - Complete all journal pages related to the Hamilton Mining Corporation laboratory.
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- Journal of Hamilton Estates
| - Complete all pages of Carl's Journal that are related to the Hamilton Estates.
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| - Complete all pages of Carl's Journal that are related to the Leech Lake.
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| - Buy a drink in every vending machine.
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| - Find Hamilton and Cynthia's secret cabin.
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| - Find a snow globe of Hamilton's mansion.
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| - Find all dogs and pilot Charlotte's sled.
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| - Spot all Saint Mary's statues.
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| - Find a snow globe of the mine.
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| - Shoot ten bullets at the wendigo.
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| - Find all hockey cards of the Paraboliques of Québec.
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| - Open all chests with parachutes.
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| - Pet all dogs in front of the sled.
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| - Acquire the Mistanite Phaser.
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| - Reach Hamilton's mansion.
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| - Complete all pages of Carl's Journal.
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| - Enter the secret laboratory.
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| - Find a snow globe of the Eweewach Valley.
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