
Legend of Korra, The

Legend of Korra, The Cheats...

  Legend of Korra, The Walkthroughs

   Avatar Spirit costume...
   Book 1 costume...
   Chi Blocker costume...
   Easy "Biz-Bender" achievement...
   Easy "My Cabbages!!" achieveme...
   Easy "The Fire Ferrets Strike ...
   Extreme difficulty...
   Talisman: Shadow Fist...
   Various Achievements...

Avatar Spirit costume

Go to Korra's Room, highlight the Avatar Spirit costume, then press Up(2), Down(2), X.

Book 1 costume

Successfully complete the game.

Chi Blocker costume

Go to Korra's Room, highlight the Chi Blocker costume, then press Up, Down, Up, Y, X, Y.

Easy "Biz-Bender" achievement

Treasures drop as random loot as follows:

Small boxes can contain items ranging from rank C through a very rare rank S.
Elemental boxes can contain items ranging from rank B through rank S, depending on the amount of damage dealt.
Golden boxes usually only hold rank A or rank S items depending on amount of damage done.
Rank SS items are awarded after defeated the final boss.

Most items can be collected during your two playthroughs. The final Boss may require several attempts before he drops the tea pot, the only rank SS item. This can be done under the casual difficulty setting. When replaying to collect items that you do not have, choose any mission until you find a chest then open it. If you do not get the desired item, exit to the chapter selection screen, then resume the game. You will start at the area near the unopened chest, allowing you to try again. Every item you get counts. Even if you get the desired item you want, you can still return to the chapter selection screen, resume, and get more treasures of a different type from the chest. Note: Cabbages do not drop from chests. The treasures will not be officially added to your inventory until you complete the chapter. "Biz-Bender" will be earned when you check your inventory screen after all items are present.

Note: The rank "SS" tea-pot item most likely will not be obtained under the normal or extreme difficulty settings because its requirements are difficult. To increase your chances, play the final mission under the casual difficulty setting with all bendings maxed out. Begin the fight with the Boss by immediately entering Avatar mode, then defeat him as soon as possible. Try to block and counter most of his attacks and avoid his ranged shots. It is possible to enter Avatar mode at least three times: once from full spirit charge (easy to get at the beginning with half damage and double spirit talismans), another by using an item bought in the store, and finally from the Quick Time Event at the end. Repeat the process as needed.

Easy "My Cabbages!!" achievement

Play Chapter 1 with waterbending available. You will eventually arrive in an alley with an Equalist being a good guard. This is the area just after the Air Gate that can only be destroyed with airbending. If you approach him, he will disappear. However the waterbending will allow you to kill him from a safe distance. He will give you a cabbage. For the cabbage to count, complete the level. Look at your treasure screen to keep count of the number required. Play Chapter 2 with waterbending available. During the mission in an alley, you will encounter a guard that will disappear when approached. Take him out from a distance with waterbending and he will drop a cabbage. After doing so, or if he was missed, exit to the chapter selection screen then resume the chapter. You will begin in front of the guard again. Repeat the process as many times as needed, then complete the level. In Chapter 7, when in your astral projection form with your bending locked kill all the Equalists on the ground. You should get a cabbage. This can be difficult because of the three Mecha-Tanks.

Easy "The Fire Ferrets Strike Again!" achievement

Complete Story mode to unlock Pro-Bending mode. To unlock the highest difficulty for Pro-Bending, complete the Easier and Captain difficulties. To complete it, have all your bendings at maximum because it influences Mako and Bolin. Do not forget to counter. Do not allow anyone to knock you into the water to avoid an instant loss. Try to stand your ground and win when in your adversaries' zones or during a face-off. Note: You must avoid blows.

Extreme difficulty

Successfully complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting.

Talisman: Shadow Fist

Press Right(2), Left(2), X at the shop menu.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

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