
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Cheats...

  Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Walkthroughs

   Big Boss comment...
   Birthday party...
   Chicken Hat...
   Get Kojima As A Crew Member...
   Hideo Kojima references...
   Metal Gear Solid 1 Snake...
   Mother Base persons...
   Prequel bonuses...
   Various Achievements...

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Big Boss comment

During Mission one Save Miller. He will request the magic words. Press Triangle, and Big Boss will say, "Kept you waiting, huh?".

Birthday party

You will be asked to enter your birthday when initially beginning with the game. When the game is used that date, there will be a birthday celebration thrown for you at Mother Base, with a cake and some cigars.

Chicken Hat

When you die several times in short order, you'll gain the option to equip a special piece of gear called the Chicken Hat. While this is equipped, enemies won't engage with you no matter how obvious you make your presence. Instead, they'll pass out while standing. However, it only works three times in a given mission before disappearing on the fourth use, and you won't be able to rank higher than "A" on that particular run. You can enable or disable the special gear from the Options menu, while the game is paused.

Get Kojima As A Crew Member

Upload your save file from MGSV: Ground Zeroes to get Hideo Kojima in your crew in The Phantom Pain.

Hideo Kojima references

After getting rescued during your first encounter with the Man on Fire in the Prologue, follow the person down a corridor. Use the rail to your left to pull yourself up from the floor. Look closely at the bulletin board on the wall to see a poster that mentions Kojima Productions and inviting you to "Join the Fox Team". The booth number listed, CP 2308, is the actual number of the booth used by Kojima Productions at GDC 2013. You can rescue Hideo Kojima during the Side Op 112 Intel Agent Extraction mission. After doing so, he will return to Mother Base.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item. Then enter your iDroid's "Development" menu to get the item after meeting any other requirements.

ItemHow to unlock

Metal Gear Solid 1 Snake

To unlock the Metal Gear Solid 1 Snake camo, one much import their Ground Zeroes to Metal Gear Solid V and must have beaten the mission "Deja Vu" on hard in Ground Zeroes. This camo turns Snake into a polygonal version of "Solid Snake" from Metal Gear Solid 1. This camo gives the same bonuses that the "Sneaking Suit" provides.

Mother Base persons

Rescue Persons of Interest and Prisoners of War in Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and upload that saved game file. Download that saved game file from the main menu in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain to obtain numerous benefits. Individuals you saved will appear at Mother Base as one of your benefits. Individuals that will appear are as follows.

Assassin Harrier: Appears affter two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.
Bitter Centipede: Appears following Mission 12.
Blue Chameleon: Appears following Mission 6.
Crying Sturgeon: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.
Eye: Appears following Mission 6.
Finger: Appears following Mission 6.
Frigid Mongoose: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.
Gray Wallaby: Appears following Mission 6.
Grizzly Hedgehog: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5.
Hideo: Diplomat who appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5.
Hungry Crocodile: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5.
Hunting Stallion: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.
Mad Wallaby: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.
Midnight Mastiff: Appears following Mission 6.
Night Tree Frog: Appears following Mission 12.
Ochre Chameleon: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5.
Pirate Capybara: Appears following Mission 12.
Roaring Capybara: Appears following Mission 12.
Wild Harrier: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5.
Wild Stallion: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9.

Prequel bonuses

Import a saved game file from Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes to get the following rewards.

Gold Bionic Arm; only if the saved game file was created after completing Mission 5 "Over the Fence" and rescuing the Bionic Engineer.
Ground Zeroes Sneaking Suit; available as a special upgrade through the Mother Base.
Hideo Kojima in your crew.
Metal Gear Solid 1 Skin; Snake appears similar to how he was featured in Metal Gear Solid on the original PlayStation version.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

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