Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
- 45 Revolutions Per Minute
| - Earn 5000 points in arcade.
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| - In Arcade revive 300 Silos.
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| - Survive 10 seconds with a single Silo remaining.
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| - Max out all available upgrades.
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| - Upgrade Speed to maximum power level.
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| - Finish a level in Campaign after spending all missiles.
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| - Upgrade Power to maximum power level.
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| - Destroy 50 Carriers before they drop a missile.
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| - Upgrade Rebuild to maximum power level.
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| - Earn 20000 points in arcade.
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| - Upgrade Reload to maximum power level.
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- Long As I Can See The Light
| - Finish a Campaign mission with a single Silo and a single City remaining.
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| - Get outsmarted by a Smart Bomb.
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| - Earn 10000 points in arcade.
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| - Destroy 25 Scatterers before they drop their missiles.
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| - Destroy three enemy missiles with a single shot.
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