Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
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- ...and you are a nanokilling god
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| - Reach level three in all the upgrades.
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| - Reach level three in five upgrades.
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| - Reach level three in one upgrade.
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| - Achieve a fifty kills combo.
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| - Achieve a ten kills combo.
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| - Achieve a 25 kills combo.
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- I can put a round in a bug's...
| - Destroy one mine with a missile direct hit.
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| - Destroy fifty mines without taking damage.
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- Nanoblade Chainsaw Massacre
| - 200 kills using the Nanoblade.
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| - Kill ten enemies with a single antimatter bullet.
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| - Hundred second of WD scrambled.
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| - Play twenty waves with the 'Old TV' filter on.
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| - Play thirty waves with the 'Arcade' filter on.
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- Shoot a bug with a bazooka
| - Kill fifty enemies with direct hits from missiles.
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| - Kill bugs for 120 minutes.
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| - 400 seconds of WD deactivated.
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| - Kill 250 enemies while they are teleporting.
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| - Last less than a one minute in a run.
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