
Saints Row 4: Re-Elected

Easter Egg: Secret Loud Locust weapon and developer room

Find the Let's Pretend store in New Baranec (southwest Steelport), and go inside. You may be able to do this at any Let's Pretend store. Shoot the "Employees Only" door with any weapon until it opens. Go down the hallways and stairs to reach a secret room containing a colorful shooting gallery with images of the developers of the game. If you shoot the developers heads, they will explode into fireworks. Go into the bathroom to see a blowup doll sitting on the toilet. There is also a special weapon on the chair to the right of the entrance door called the Loud Locust. It is a tiny pistol that is very powerful. The weapon is a reference to the Noisy Cricket from the Men In Black movie. If you shoot the weapon, it will send you flying backwards, just like in the movie.

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