
Sniper Elite 4

Sniper Elite 4 Cheats...

  Sniper Elite 4 Walkthroughs

   "Target Fuhrer": Achievements...
   Easy "Dirty Tactics" achieveme...
   Easy "The Nutcracker - Sweet!"...
   Easy "The Path Of Most Resista...
   Various Achievements...

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"Target Fuhrer": Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

Easy "Dirty Tactics" achievement

To get the "Dirty Tactics" achievement, you must place an explosive on a dead body (anything except Stick grenades work). When an enemy comes to investigate, it will explode and you will get the achievement. Either carry the dead body and drop it where enemies can see it, or throw some stones to lure them.

Easy "The Nutcracker - Sweet!" achievement

Shoot an enemy in the foot with the Welrod pistol (or another weak pistol/rifle). Sometimes this will make them fall down. Then, move close to them, take out the sniper rifle, and shoot between their legs to get "The Nutcracker - Sweet!" achievement. One area this can easily be done is in Mission 8: Allagra Fortress. The enemies in this mission have more health and do not die so quickly by your pistol shots, giving you more attempts to incapacitate them. You can do this with the first two enemies in the mission. After incapacitating the enemy, you may want to create a manual save game -- just in case the testicle shot goes wrong you can reload and try again.

Easy "The Path Of Most Resistance" achievement

At the very end of Mission 8: Allagra Fortress, you have to destroy a plane. Instead of shooting the engine, wait for the plane to take off and for the enemy to say "Open the missile hatch!", then shoot the missile it is carrying (under the plane). The missile will explode and destroy the plane, resulting in a cutscene and the achievement unlocking. Note: You must use a bolt-action sniper rifle. All sniper rifles except the Gewehr 43 and M1 are bolt-action. The M1903 Springfield that is unlocked from the beginning is also bolt-action.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockType

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