Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Anger Overcome (50 points)
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- Bargaining Overcome (50 points)
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| - Completed Anger 5 without dying.
- Denial Overcome (50 points)
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- Depression Overcome (50 points)
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- Desperate Plea (100 points)
| - Brought a extra box to the end of Bargaining 5.
- Our Little Secret (100 points)
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- Path to Truth (200 points)
| - Completed the game with all secrets.
- Patient Recovery (100 points)
| - Found both secrets of Depression 5.
- Road to Recovery (100 points)
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- Shortest Path (100 points)
| - Completed Denial 5 in less than 45 seconds.