Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
| - Finish the Game in Arcade Mode.
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| - Deploy the zipline 500 times.
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| - Defeat 100 enemies with punches.
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| - Complete any level without taking a hit (normal or any higher mode)
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| - Finish the Game in Easy Mode.
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| - Kill 100 enemies while hanging from the zipline.
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- No Need for Tactical Support
| - Complete any level without picking up any powerups.
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| - Finish the Game in Hard Mode.
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| - Defeat Lt. Karla Schmidt.
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| - Defeat Maj. Clayton Harris.
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| - Parry 100 projectiles with your electric whip.
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| - Defeat Cpt. Baltazar Kline.
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| - Defeat Gen. Magnus Pierce.
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| - Finish the Game in Normal Mode.
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